Saturday, February 22, 2020

Rate 10: "Luck in the Shadows;" Nightrunner Series (book#1) by Lynn Flewelling [bi & homosexual m/m]

Rate 10: "Mélusine;" Doctrine of Labyrinths Series (book#1) by Sarah Monette [straight m/f & homosexual m/m]

Rate 10:  *Forgotten Realms* (saga) by R. A. Salvator and "War Of The Spider Queen" by multiple authors [no sex]

Rate 9: "A Kiss of Shadows;" Meredith Gentry Series (book#1) by Laurell K. Hamilton [straight f/m]

Rate 8:  "Acheron;" Dark-Hunter Series (book#12) by Sherrilyn Kenyon [straight f/m & some m/m abuse]

Rate 7:  "Guilty Pleasures;" Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series (book#1) by Laurell K. Hamilton [straight f/m]

Rate 6:  "Storm Front;" The Dresden Files Series (book#1) by Jim Butcher [straight m/f]

Rate 5:  "Beguilement;" The Sharing Knife Series (book#1) by Lois McMaster Bujold [straight f/m]